Thought of Fatima (تفکر فاطمی)

تفکر فاطمی ، بستر اصلاح جامعه است.

Thought of Fatima (تفکر فاطمی)

تفکر فاطمی ، بستر اصلاح جامعه است.

اللهم صّلِ غلی فاطمه و ابیها و بعلها و بنیها و سرّ المُستودع فیها بعدد ما احاطَ بۀِ عِلمُک

در این وبلاگ سعی داریم با توجه به دعاهای فاطمی نظام فکری و عملی زندگی خود را اصلاح و در نتیجه قدمی برای سعادت اخروی خود و جامعه برداریم.

با نظرات خود ما را در جهت نظام مندی مطالب یاری بفرمایید.

عَجَل الله فی فَرَج مولانا صاحب الزمان

آخرین مطالب

۶ مطلب در اسفند ۱۳۹۸ ثبت شده است


جمعه, ۲۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ۱۱:۲۰ ب.ظ

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, In the name of Allah who is light, in the name of Allah who illuminates the light, In the name of Allah who is Light upon light, In the name of Allah who manages the affairs, In the name of Allah who created light from the light, all the praise be to Allah who created light from the light and descended it upon to Toor (Saini) Mountain, by a Book inscribed in parchment spread open, to the certain extent to the wise prophet, and all praise be to Allah who has been stated to Mighty and Dominance and is famous to pride and He has been thanked in joy and hardship, God sends peace upon our master Mohammad and his household who are pure.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۳ اسفند ۹۸ ، ۲۳:۲۰
سپند فاضل


شنبه, ۱۷ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ۰۸:۱۵ ب.ظ

Many people don't think much of the sciences has been created by the Ahlul-Bayt ( the household of the prophet). While the seed of all sciences of the universe has been spread by the Ahlul-Bayt in the world, all the sciences are so inward and inward.
The prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H.) has come into this world. Ibrahim's Surah also says about the book may bring mankind out from darkness into light. It has the first and the last, the outward and inward. The Prophet Abraham ( P.B.U.H.) thought, of course, not only thought, but also inspired the book. He said that I should spread monotheism to all human beings. He considered establishing religion as his Dain (obligation). In the whole world, he saw his poverty. He wanted to be God's best servant. His affair was to set up rite (of worship). He placed somewhere as a rite in order to pay off his Dain(obligation) that he is the poorest man on the earth. He chose an uncultivated valley and he took his family there and he also set up rite there to pay off his Dain (obligation), wealth in poverty, ease of affairs led to set up Haj ( pilgrimage of God's House) that is an example of responding of a prayer. It is as if the prophet Abraham ( P.B.U.H.) has already read Hazrat Fatima's prayer.
It's okay because the prophet taught this prayer and is in the revelation system. An example of this prayer is what Hazrat Abraham( P.B.U.H.) did.
You do it when you know it as your Dain( obligation). In fact, this prayer extends the scope of these three issues to man. She went to the prophet to fulfill a desire but returned with great need. We used to be ourselves and our family later said this is you, community and the world. This prayer is related to Surah Hadid. This Surah causes the person to become a mujahideen. One must know the essence of the question(need) and revive it well in itself. The growth rate of a person is proportional to his or her question which is related to the world of names and has three sections. One part is the reform process and the other part is one' s confrontation with the need and the third part is " Say thank God, who has not taken a son and did not have as a partner in the king has no guardian of humiliation and magnify."
They consider guardian for God that is, they consider higher for God. They consider a child for God that is, they consider lower for God. Appearance is called upward and inward is called lower.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۷ اسفند ۹۸ ، ۲۰:۱۵
سپند فاضل

The code of guardian

سه شنبه, ۱۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ۰۸:۲۸ ب.ظ

و انت الظاهر فلیس فوقک شی و انت الباطن فلیس دونک شی
Not upstream and not downstream. Every human has both upstream and downstream. These make the system of the guardian. The code of the guardian system is first, last, outward and inward. Because in the system of the guardianship the one must be behind the guardian. There is before and after well as upstream and downstream. There exist the characteristics of the guardian.
God Himself is the First, Ty the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is the creator of the creature that has the first, the last, the outward and inward. It also proves that man is in the divine system of the guardianship that is before us and above us. The appearance and the interior of man are not one. But it must be in accordance with what God wants.
The most mysterious creature of God is the prophet Adam ( P.B.U.H.). Because of his first and his last dimension and his appearance and his interior dimension, there is a lot of dignity and space distance. Because he has a lot of processes. Every one finds obligation in relation to their first and the last and their appearance and inner and Dain( obligation) and poverty.
As you look at the child, as the child grows older, his or her power of concealment also increases. In the guardian system, this becomes very important. Some of the traits are like with these four words.
The first and the last, the Manifest and the Hidden are for God. And it is one of the characteristics of His A hadiyat (0ness) and Robobiyat (Godhead).
Man cannot get out of Dain (obligation), poverty and affairs while he is in this world.
The amount of Dain (obligation) is determined by the amount of growth. The amount of growth is the amount of empowerment and the amount of your empowerment is the amount of your evolution toward perfection or set of perfection and it is called growth.
You show the growth with the vector. That is to say, as human growth progresses, the capacity for expression and concealment also increases.
Anyone who wants to express power must be able to hide it. If one wants to activate his thinking, he must turn off what he knows as thinking. That is to say, he must be able to appear and not reveal what is inside. The most ethical person is someone who is not the most ethical at the same time he is not the most ethical person. Like Haj Qasim Suleimani, although he is the most ethical one he turns it off, no one can be his opponent. Ability is Quitting and Fel( intending). And if one wants to do something like that, it is called habit, notability ( that is to say, without leaving one job and intending to do another, this is called habit, not the ability). The attribute must be stated somewhere and concealed somewhere else. Man acts this to all perfect traits. From adulthood one is able to quit an action and do another action this is called ability. This essence of creativity stems from this inside and outside. Several things can be done concurrently. She can work to hide and show off her capabilities, however, one can become neither pure appearance nor pure inward. It turns out that a perfect one can hide all talents in one prayer. This prayer is the inner of Hazrat Fatima (P.B.U.H.). She can places prayer as a seed in history and makes it appear somewhere. This is called outward and inward.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۳ اسفند ۹۸ ، ۲۰:۲۸
سپند فاضل


پنجشنبه, ۸ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ۱۲:۱۸ ب.ظ

You are a Habi ( the grain) manager and if you deceive yourself on this Hab ( the grain) management and somewhere your ability will run but so you need to be connected to the source to grow your seed a little. And if it does not transfer to the soil and its food runs out, it will not produce.
Many of us have many things naturally and do not seek the facts.
Everywhere it comes to the name of Falagh, then it says about the shelter. The reason is that Flash is the name of a well in hell. Because some did not have the initial reserve and did not go ahead and stay in the well, and many of them went ahead because of the initial reserve, but they didn't move to the soil and stayed in the well.
If one says how human flourishes and how their Hab Flag or Nava Flag grows?
Its answer is ادای دین ( paying off debts) ease in affairs and wealth.
اعوذ بک من شر کل دابه انت اخذ بناصیتها

Dabah here means moving and not an animal. Everything that has movement, that is, with his own mobility it deceives the person. Its movement is by the permission of God. No one can move without God's permission.
انت الاول فلیس قبلک شی و انت الاخر فلیس و بعدک شی
This section closes us to Surah- al-Hadid.
Here it says four names, the First, the Last, the Manifestation and the Hidden. That is, God has no first and end, that is, God has no movement and modification, that is, God does not develop and does not develop from one form to another, from one dignity to another, and from one stage to another. (Seyer and Seyroriyat ).
God is not something that He wants to achieve the destination.
Appearance and inner is for someone who has inside and out. God does not have an appearance and inner and this is the Philosophy of life and guidance in life.
If you have first and last you must have a conductor so that the Hereafter will be what God wants. Another aspect you need is the guidance system and if you don't have it you will deviate. Human beings find the aspect of action and concept.
Somethings have external dignity and some things have esoteric dignity. They are the existential philosophy of poverty, affair, and Dain (obligation) in life. Because based on these aspects, the movement and evolution take place, and the appearance and interior flourish, and you can never get out of it. God does not have before and after. Every human has both before and after.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ اسفند ۹۸ ، ۱۲:۱۸
سپند فاضل


يكشنبه, ۴ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ۰۹:۱۹ ق.ظ

( social structures are quite different from social relationships)
Man has poverty in all three aspects and needs reserve.
فالق الحب و النوی
( Indeed Allah is the splitter of the grain and the pit) 92 Al-An'am
Hab= the grain Nava= the core

Nava (the core) = someone who has talent is called Nava
Hab (the grain) = someone who is persistent is called Hab
It is very strange that every human being has an aspect of Hab and aspect of Nava. No one can say I have no talent so he is Nava and it is very interesting.
فالق الحب و النوی
It makes the structure different and it changes the rules of having and not having. This is the debate of Falagh. The seed has a storage structure and has a higher germination power when placed in a prone position. But the core doesn't have this storage food, that is, it receives directly from the earth. Like a kid who lives in a family that has not been taught anything when he grows up becomes a tree like a palm tree. When a core is on the ground, it must be recited to it, Surah Shams. Because he is affected by light and Surah Shams purification happens to him. Purification is a state that forms between itself and the earth, and in the most optimal way, it creates tension and comes alive.
According to your plan, you have Dain (obligation), poverty and ease of affairs, whether you are Habi (the grain) or Navai (the core).
It is a mother who says I do not know motherhood and put herself in a Navai position. She must have the intention and continuity to learn motherhood. She knows from the beginning that his coordinates are zero and there is no reserve for her motherhood.
She has Nava, Dain, poverty, and affairs.
Navai (the core) poverty is different from Habi (the seed) poverty but is similar in some ways.
Two groups are deceived, the people who initially they are not capable and the second the group who initially think they are capable. And so they don't refer to the facts and go some extent and they don't refer to the facts and they can no longer pay their Dain

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۴ اسفند ۹۸ ، ۰۹:۱۹
سپند فاضل


پنجشنبه, ۱ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ۱۲:۵۹ ب.ظ

hen it is talking about 2700 years ago and tells about the conquer of the Jinn, the Qur'an speaks of the guidance of the wind by some.The prophets are in the rank of the great prophet. How do you not have Moses and Jesus in your life then you want to have a great prophet? They are each a rank of the Quran and in their Quranic rank, they create Maki, Madni and structural relations when they come together. Someone might disagree and say that these are degrees and they all have it, what is important is that one should have value these books. Some tasks are Maki and some are Madni and some are structural. That is if our Dain ( obligation) is Forghani (criteria). Not only is it our responsibility to guide others, not only in the way of telling and informing but in a way of that we can revive in them the power of distinguishing right from falsehood. 
And it is so various that we only know the duty of housekeeping or wedding but we also know our structural duties.
From reading the Quran, we consider three ranks, which are the Torah, the Bible and the Forgan( the criteria). 
Sincerity is the dignity of the belief that is the Torah aspect. When monotheism is expressed in relationships, it is the biblical aspect of it. To establish the monotheism, which is the flag of لا اله الا الله ( there is no god but Allah), that must be raised everywhere, it is the Forgan aspect of it. 
Consider all sorts of the situation with regard to the book of God (obligations), poverty, Commandments that has three aspects: 
1. We have  Dain (obligations) to ourselves
2. We have Dain (obligations) to others
3. We have Dain (obligations) to government and sovereignty.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۱ اسفند ۹۸ ، ۱۲:۵۹
سپند فاضل