Prayer for pure life
يكشنبه, ۲۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۷، ۰۹:۱۴ ب.ظ
Prayer for Pure Life and Ease of Affairs
O Lord! Send peace upon Mohammad and his household (P.B.U.H.), make it easy for me to do those tasks You like them as well as the doer of them, and help me in doing them, make me succeed in leaving those tasks You don't like them, nor the doer of them and help me in leaving them.
Make me join You from the closest ways reaching You, those ones which are the easiest ways for me.
O Lord! Grant me honor to be with You, with no need for separation and distance, teach me discipline in the best way that there is no punishment in it, grant me rewards without incurring any disaster or incident.