Tasks and good deed
يكشنبه, ۲۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۷، ۰۹:۱۶ ب.ظ
O Lord! Choose easy tasks for me and don't ask me hard and tough tasks and make me succeed in doing what You like.
O God! Turn my attention to Khair (good deeds) and make it easy for me to carry them out and help me in doing them; consider me among those who do Khair (good deeds), and bestow me the best curtsey as through which I have turned towards You.
O Lord! Assign me to be grateful of You and be among Your reminders; besides, appoint me to say Your praise. And make me dependent on Your worship and obedience , and be grateful with what You have decided. And warn me of your anger and wrath, O! The Most Merciful of those who show Mercy.