Complete prayer 3
O, Allah! Send Your peace upon Mohammad and his pure household, and his chosen companions, and his pure partner (wife) and his offspring, to every prophet who has given the good news of his coming, and the prophets who are in the chain of his ancestors, and also send peace upon those who in sending peace upon them is achieved Your satisfaction of Your prophet, O God! Bestow Your peace and mercy upon them as far as they are satisfied and then add as much as You deserve, O! The Most Merciful of those who show Mercy.
O, God! Send peace upon Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his households like the peace that You sent to Abraham and his household and grant the same blessing on Mohammad and his household, and Grant the same mercy upon them, indeed You are Praiseworthy and Glorious.
O, God! Bestow to Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) the means of Your approaching, superiority, gracious, and high rank until they are satisfied then increased it as much as You deserve, O! The Most Merciful of those who show Mercy.
O God! Send peace on Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his household as You commanded us to send peace on Him, O God! Send peace on Mohammad( P.B.U.H.) and his household as he deserves, O God! Send peace on Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household to the number of those who sent peace upon him, O God! Send peace on Mohammad( P.B.U.H.) and his household to the number of those who do not send peace on him, O God! Send peace on Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household to the number of letters used in peace which You sent on him then send peace on him.
O God! Peace on Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household to the number of those who sent peace on him and those who do not send peace on him.
O God! Send peace to the number of hair and every word and every twinkle of an eye and every breathing, condition, attribute, motionless and every motion of them who sent peace and did not send, to the number of hours, and minutes and motionless and motion and facts and the place of getting the facts, conditions, and attributes and days and months and years, hairs and their skins, and by the weight of what they have done or they do and to the number of actions have taken or will be taken by them until the Day of Judgment and several times of that send peace on Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household until the Day of Judgment, O! The Most Merciful of those who show Mercy.
O, Allah! Send peace on Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household to the number of whatever You created and what You were their creator until the Day of Judgment, (Send peace on him) the peace that satisfies him.
O, Allah! Praise and eulogy, gratitude, generosity, grace, strength, charity, goodness, favor, greatness, mighty, master, dominance, sovereign, glory, lordship, gratefulness, bounty, magnanimity, honor, good, uniqueness, commemoration, praising, glorification ( there is no god except Him= theist) adoring ( Allah is great= deist) sanctification, mercy, forgiveness, magnificence, and greatness deserve You, and whatever pure praise and fine eulogy and the beautiful and good word that has been cleared from uncleanness belong to You. Eulogy and praise and word that You be pleased from the speaker of praise and satisfy him and it makes you satisfied, so join my praise to the first one who praised You and my encomium to the panegyrist of the lord of the worlds as the two be connected and my praising God ( monotheism) to the first monotheist and my theism ( Takbir) to the first person to worship God and my beautiful good word to the first beautiful eulogist to the lord of the words so that both of them are connected from the first day to the last day of the world.
And to weight particles of heavens and the earth and sands and hills and the number sips of seawater and to the number of raindrops and leaves and the number of stars and the number of dew and gravel and grains and clods and the weight of all and the weight of particles in the heavens and earth and whatever is in them and between of them and what is beneath them and what is top of them until the Day of Resurrection from the throne to seven floors of the basement and the number of letters of their inhabitants and the number of their times, minutes, their works and hours and days, months, years, stillness, motions and hairs, skins, and their breathing, the number of what they have acted or act or finally reached them or have seen or have thought or have realized or have been of them or will be of them until the Day of Judgement, and to the weight of all of them and multiple times of them and no one other than You know and nor can be considered. O! The full of Majesty, Bounty, and Honor! You are worthy of all those and is Your right and it is Yours that from me and all creatures are presented to You. O! The creator of heaven and earth!.
O, God! You are not the lord that we made of ourselves, there is no god with You and that participate in Your lordship and there is no god with You that has helped You in our creation, You are our lord as You said and You are superior to the speech of every speaker. I demand You to send peace on Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household and Bestow to Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) the best You have been asked and the best thing You have been called for it and the best thing that You have been called for it and the best thing that You are responder of it until the day of Resurrection. I seek refuge in God the household of the prophet ( P.B.U.H.), life, religion, generation, wealth, children, relatives and anyone from my relatives who have become a Muslims or will become Muslims until the Day of Judgment and sympathizer and my gentlefolk and every one of the faithful men and women who have prayed for me or them have done a good deed to me or they have taken away backbiting from me or they said good things about me, or I asked him to help me or work and my neighbors and my brothers and all of this, I seek refuge and to His total and inclusive name which is complete and includes everything and pure and noble and unattainable, and virtuous, blessed, dignified, purifier and blessed, greatness and hidden and safe that good and evil don't have any way in it, and to the Holy Quran and seal of it and what is in it from the noble sura to precise verse and remedy and mercy, shelter and blessing, and old-Testament and gospel and psalms and Forgan and to the volume of Ibrahm (P.B.U.H.) and Mosa (P.B.U.H.) and any book that God has revealed and every prophet that God has sent and any proof that God has set, and any argument that has appeared and any light that God has bestowed brightness, and all the favors that are given and its greatness, I seek refuge in God and seek shelter from the mischief of any harmful and I fear and afraid of him, and mischief of anything that the lord is superior and the mischief of evildoers of the Arabs and Ajam ( non-Arab) and from the evil of debuchery of Jin and humanbeings, and kings and satan and soldiers and friends and followers, and from the evil of what is in light and darkness, and from the evil of what has attacked or has rushes and from the evil of any anxiety and sorrow and loss and regret and whatevere causes to suffer, and from the evil of disaters and diseases, from the evil of whatevere is happening in night and day and destines emerge through them, and from the evil of what is in the fire and from the evil of what is in the land and its various regions, plains and deserts, seas and rivers and from the evil of transgressors and evildoers and foretellers witches and jealous and evil, the wicked and from the evil of what penetrates into the earth and emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what descends there in, from the evil owhateverchas evil, and from the evil of my livingthings whose destiny is in His hand, I seek refuge in Him, veily, it is my lord is on the right path but if they turn away say: " Allah sufficeth me, there is no god but He, on Him is my trust, He the lord of the Great throne.
O, Allah! I seek refuge in You from grief and sorrow, disability, laziness, and fear and avarice and heavy debt and dominance of the oppressors and the action don't profit and the eye that didn't shed tears and the heart has no humility and prayer that will not be heard and advice that does not affect and the friends who don't stop people ( from evil work), and the community that is based on denial. The friendship that is based on the loss and damage and blame is for the filthy thing and from what angels and Mohammad( P.B.U.H.) and his household and the approached angels and the prophets, clean and pure Imams and righteous martyrs and God-fearing servants seek refuge in You. O, Allah! I demand You to send peace upon Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his household and bestow me for whatever good they asked from You, shelter me from what they have taken refuge in You.
O, Allah! I request You all good, whether worldly and otherworldly what I know and what I don't know and I seek refuge in You from temptations of satan and me seek refuge in You from the devil be present near me.
I leave to God household of the Prophet Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and leave to God my life and my religion and leave to God my family and my property and leave to God whatever bestowed me and leave to God my friends, offspring, and relatives, leave to God
my faithful neighbor and the faithful men and women who followed me in prayer or helped me or have done a good deed. I leave to God what has bestowed provision ( daily bread) or bestows me, in the name of Allah with His name nothing harm in the earth and heaven and He is Hearth and Knowing all things.
O, Allah! Send peace upon Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household and grant me all that Your faithful servants have asked of You and also grant them all charities and keep me away from what Your faithful servants have asked of You to ward off evil and also keep them away from all the bad and the ugly things. And add Your bounty to me as You deserve it and indeed You are the guardian. O! The Most Merciful of those who show Mercy.
O, Allah! Send peace upon Mohammad( P.B.U.H.) and his pure household and Hasten their relief and my relief and solve the problems of every pious grief_ stricken believer.
O, Allah! Send peace upon Mohammad( P.B.U.H.) and his household and grant me to help me and success me to see the days of their victory and put me with them in this world and Hereafter and Leave a guard a for them in order not to harm and them and they attain Khair ( good) and also provide protection for their companions and their adherents (Shias) and their friends and their saints and faithful men and women indeed You have power over all things.
In the name of Allah and to Allah and from Allah towards Allah, I ask Him to Help and there is no overpowering except Him whatever Allah wills ( be done) it is, there is no power but with Allah and He is Sufficient for me. I trust in God and I leave my affairs to Allah and I seek refuge in Allah I take power and strength from God and demand Him more and I pride Him and I request the honor from Him and I trust in Him and my return is to Him, there is no God except Him, He is Living, the self- subsisting, I testify to the number of clods and gravels and stars and angels who are line to serve God, there is no God except Him, He is unique and has no partner and He is the Highest, the Greatest, there is no god except Him, indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.