This prayer is very special and can even be used as the basic prayer. If we look at the last part of the prayer, the affair and the act, are indicated in this prayer. The act must be based on satisfaction and Fel (intention) is based on obedience and both of them are on the basis of inspiration. In the part of Fel (intention) what causes obeying is ذلل نفسی
( having supplication mode) and عظم شانک ( seeing yourself submissive and consider God great) the act that gives satisfaction is inspired and this subject is happening with
ذلل نفسی و عظم شانک
This is very obvious. The act of righteousness is done by inspiration or with obedience to God. If these two inspirations are made, the person will despise himself before God and consider God great. This matter will be the 13th chapter of Noah sura ( ما لکم لا ترجون لله وقار).
What is (the matter) with you that don't attribute to Allah grandure.
Let's go back to the begining of the prayer, the person needs sustenance in order to do the act. If he doesn't have this sustenance, he has no power for doing both material and spiritual act.
اللهم قنعنی بما رزقتنی،
That is,it would be a sustenance which is wide and sufficient. In material matters, sustenance means what is in person's dignity and no more and it is also important in spiritual matters that he doesn't get much of things sooner than his time.
A lot of problems come back to this issue. Sustenance must definitely lead the person to the act. Sustenance certainly has a metabolism and leads a person to the act. In matters of spirituality, we must consider multiplicity and plurality that it can cover.
(استرنی و عافنی)
Ster is not just a preserver but it is a cover for growth. Covering is necessary to grow.
A flower which is sensitive to cold, keep it from cold to grow. Ster( covering) itself is the creation of the necessary bed for growth. We make a greenhouse and put it in the shield to grow.